Downtown Greensboro

Downtown Greensboro is a rising star in North Carolina and the Southeast, treasured for its historic downtown, beautiful nature, educated workforce and ease of transportation. Visitors to Downtown Greensboro are afforded a variety of unique shopping experiences and culinary adventures through a network of locally owned establishments; each contributing to the city's distinct character.The downtown area’s vibrant arts and cultural scene celebrates creativity in all forms. Greensboro's streets are a canvas for public art and historical architecture, inviting passersby to appreciate the beauty that emerges from collaboration between artists and the community.


From the International Civil Rights Center & Museum and the historic Carolina Theatre to the state-of-the-art Steven Tanger Center for the Performing Arts and seasonal city-wide festivals, Downtown Greensboro is alive with activities welcoming every member of our community.


To learn more about Downtown Greensboro and all that it offers, visit